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A group of old students have embarked on a mission to have their 3 year course recognised by UOB with the award of an Honorary degree........ 
At least 3 other P.E. Colleges have gone down this route and awarded old students an honorary degree. 
We believe that such a rigorous course, the high academic expectations, the attention given to teaching as well as personal development should be celebrated. 
There will be more information in the old students report, due to go out in March. 
It would be helpful at this stage if individuals from other cohorts could join us in lobbying the university. 
If you would like more information or feel you could help please complete the form below and we will pass your details onto Jackie Gregory (Winfield). 
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On 14th February 2023 at 23:09, Madeline Alton wrote:
I'd like to register my interest in being awarded an honorary degree. I was z student at BCPE for 1973 x 1976
On 13th February 2023 at 10:11, Mary Connelly née Johnson wrote:
I was a student at BPTC from 1946-1949. Following our rigorous course which I enjoyed, I am interested and hope to receive my honorary degree at a future awards event. I still keep my watch 3 mins ahead of ordinary time as per the rules!!
On 9th February 2023 at 04:10, Jan Watson nee Pickering wrote:
I attended BCPE between 1973 - 1976.
I would be very grateful to receive information regarding the Honorary Degree process.
Thank you
On 30th January 2023 at 13:35, Vandella King (nee Allardyce) wrote:
I too was at Bedford from 1966 to 1969 in the same year as Sue Potter.
I taught PE for 2 years as an assistant PE teacher and thereafter as Head of Department in a large comprehensive school and then later as Head of Department in a smaller local independent school. After I married I had a break when my three children were born and while they were small. Teaching both PE and also latterly PE, English, drama and Mathematics. I’m now retired with small Grandchildren. I have always been sad that I was not awarded a degree. I worked very hard and just wanted to get into the world and teach. I agree the course was extremely rigorous (I remember going to Cambridge University for biology lectures) and this fed into a life long love of learning, working hard and preparing well and teaching well
I would love to know how I can obtain an honorary degree.
Thank you
Vandella King
On 23rd January 2023 at 08:15, Miriam Clark nee Cooper wrote:
Hello. I was a student at BCPE from 1974-1977 and have taught for many years both in the Uk and abroad. I would welcome any information about the honorary degree. Many thanks. Miriam
On 18th January 2023 at 11:16, Sue Potter wrote:
I was at Bedford from 1966 to 1969.
I taught for 31 years- PE and later on Mathematics.
I was Head of dept for many years and loved my career. I’m now retired and loving that too. I have a wonderful family.
I have always been sad that I was not a graduate. I just wanted to get into the world and teach. I agree the course was extremely rigorous and fed into a life long love of learning.
I would love to know how I can obtain an honorary degree.
Thank you
On 15th January 2023 at 11:57, Mara Cadman-Davies wrote:
I believe I may be one of the former students who may be eligible for honorary degree status. I was a student at B.C.P.E from 1974-1977. My name was Mara Cadman.
Would you advise me further as to how I might proceed with this query? I consider the academic rigour we were exposed to certainly validates an honorary degree award.
My thanks,
Mara Cadman-Davies
On 12th January 2023 at 20:44, Margaret Gaynor Cook wrote:
Margaret Cook nee Gaynor
I was a student at BCPE from Sept 1966 to July 1969 & would welcome information in applying for an Honourary Degree.
On 4th January 2023 at 21:24, Jane Campbell wrote:
I was a student at BCPE from 1974 -77 and would be interested in hearing about the honorary degree. Thank you.
On 4th January 2023 at 20:34, Liz Martin nee Coles wrote:
I was a student at BCPE from 1974 to 1977. I remained in teaching until 2016 I would be really interested in finding out how I might be awarded an honorary degree
Many thanks
Liz Martin