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A group of old students have embarked on a mission to have their 3 year course recognised by UOB with the award of an Honorary degree........ 
At least 3 other P.E. Colleges have gone down this route and awarded old students an honorary degree. 
We believe that such a rigorous course, the high academic expectations, the attention given to teaching as well as personal development should be celebrated. 
There will be more information in the old students report, due to go out in March. 
It would be helpful at this stage if individuals from other cohorts could join us in lobbying the university. 
If you would like more information or feel you could help please complete the form below and we will pass your details onto Jackie Gregory (Winfield). 
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On 12th December 2021 at 16:41, Beryl Waters (nee Fisher) wrote:
Student 1966 - 69
It sounds like a very worthwhile cause. I always wondered why we were not properly recognised.
On 16th November 2021 at 20:53, Davena M Burn wrote:
I understand that honorary degrees are being considered at last for old students.
I was a student at BCPE from 1962 to 1965 and would appreciate very much being kept up-to-date with developments.
I have always felt that the demands and rigour of the course were worth more than simply a Teaching Certificate.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
On 3rd November 2021 at 10:04, Jeanette jones nee ferrier wrote:
I have been aware of this move to grant honorary degrees for several years and have already contacted the association on this matter. It is long overdue and I think we may be the last specialist college to comply. I look forward to hearing from you on progress. Thank you jj
On 3rd September 2021 at 11:25, Jo Collishaw was Joanna Lindsey wrote:
Hi, Glad to hear you going down this route. Went on to do more courses in later life and am a CANTB alumni then Brighton Uni as well to celebrate still teaching later in life and to keep myself up to date
Retired at 63 from teaching and now work with IAPS with all their sports programmes. My original course at Bedford stood me in such good stead that an honorary degree I feel would reflect what our generation put in..... from which the degree went on to grow to what it is today
On 8th August 2021 at 21:05, Vandella King (nee Allardyce) wrote:
BCPE 1966-1969
On 31st July 2021 at 05:02, Anne Neilson wrote:
I totally agree. I qualified from Bedford College in 1970. Since this date I have
lived in France. My qualifications have never been recognized as an equivalent. I was forced to do a further 2 years at Bordeaux University in social animation ( D U T Carrières Sociales) . The education system only
then gave me replacement teaching with half the salary. I am very interested by your proposal..
My only posting which recognized my training was the Lycée Français in London. Unfortunately, for health reasons I had to return to France and leave this post.
On 19th June 2021 at 23:26, Anne Neilson wrote:
I totally agree. My teaching career has been mostly in France. They don’t recognize British qualification- to teach PE , have to pass French degree which is totally different . I taught for a few years at French Lycée London where my qualification was recognized . Agree that my comment is published.
On 24th May 2021 at 20:27, Sherrie Page wrote:
I attended Chelsea College of Physical Education from 1975 - 1978. Do you know if there is a lobbying scheme similar to this for former Chelsea students? I gained a Cert. Ed and was accepted for the one year degree course the following year but urgently needed shoulder surgery so had to leave. I started teaching in January 1979 and have been teaching ever since.
Kind regards.
On 24th May 2021 at 00:25, Sarah Spender ( Hynard) wrote:
1969-1972 Cert Ed
On 2nd April 2021 at 20:57, Sue Penfold wrote:
I trained at BCPE from 1973-76
I lectured at Bedford College of Higher Education from 1979-90
I would like more information re the honorary degree please.