New Venue for the Hockey Museum
Posted on 24th January 2019 at 09:17
The Hockey Museum (THM) has made good use of memorabilia and items from several members of this Association and now, with the support of Woking Borough Council, has moved into a ‘state-of-the-art’ permanent site for hockey’s heritage.
Katie Dodd, Chair of Trustees of Hockey Museum, and an old student, writes ‘It’s amazing how much we have grown in the 6 years we have been operating and, just before Christmas 2017, the valuable load of over 700 boxes of the Collection were safely delivered to their new situation with the help of the THM volunteers’.
The new home, at 13 High Street in central Woking opened in March 2018 and is open to the
public on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10 – 4pm. Visits can be made outside the opening hours by appointment with the Curator.
Take a look at the website by clicking on this link

Tagged as: Hockey
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